Price Lists

TAP™ RF engineering software is comprised of individually licensed software modules, which may be purchased in almost any combination depending on user requirements for area coverage studies, path profiles, interference studies, presentation of results, and budget.  A 10% discount is given for an initial new license purchase. A 40% discount is given for additional license purchases. TAP™ may be installed on individual computers running Windows operating systems or on a server for use as a single- or multi-seat network installation. Software annual maintenance is provided at 20% of Individual Module pricing.  Customers eligible to purchase via our GSA Schedule GS-35F-0530R receive additional discounts.  Select the appropriate button below to download either the commercial or GSA price list.

Commercial Software Price List GSA Software Price List

Although TAP works with many non-proprietary elevation and land use data formats, many SoftWright customers choose to purchase topographical data directly from SoftWright. These data are shipped along with the software at the time of purchase.

SoftWright currently offers elevation data of 1/3 second (~10m) resolution (or better) in FLT format for the United States and SRTM 1 second (~30m) resolution (or better) topographical data for the rest of the world. SoftWright also offers Land Use – Land Cover data for the United States and most of the rest of the world. These data are guaranteed to work with TAP™ software.  International data may be purchased by the square degree or by the country.  Select the button below to download the U.S. data price list.  Contact for international data pricing.

U.S. Topo and Land Use Data Price List

TAP™ Mapper is an RF analysis and visualization software tool available as a standalone subscription product as well as for use alongside the full TAP™ RF engineering software. TAP™ Mapper is a Windows desktop application that accesses global terrain and land cover data via the internet in order to facilitate RF engineering tasks.  It provides ultra fast loading, rendering, and styling of shapefiles.

TAP™ Mapper is an affordable, easy-to-use application that is available to our full TAP RF Engineering customers and also as a standalone subscription product:

  • 30 Day Subscription:  US $199.00
  • Annual Subscription:  US $1,999.00

Download a fully-functional demo version of our Terrain Analysis Package software or request a cloud demo.
