Submit Form to Download Demo
What is the TAP DEMO?
Our demo software is the full software package with all modules enabled. It includes both TAP 7 and TAP Mapper. If you are unable to successfully download the demo software, please send a request to along with your mailing address and we will mail you a CD containing the demo software. If you are only interested in TAP Mapper then on the screen below, uncheck the TAP 7 feature selection. For users interested in TAP 7, we highly recommend installing both TAP 7 and TAP Mapper for the best experience.

The only restriction with the TAP demo installation is geographic in nature. You can operate the demo only within the specified geographic area, which is an area that encompasses both mountains and flat lands and covers a region of approximately 100 by 100 miles around Denver, CO. The topographic data for this region is included with the demo software distribution.